
Social science education (samfunnsfag) in Norway: A country report


  • Trond Solhaug
  • Julie Ane Odegaard Borge University of Bergen
  • Gunnar Grut



Purpose: The current article on social studies in primary and secondary education in Norway covers a range of relevant topics which starts with a brief context of Norwegian society, history and social studies framework. Main topics are the new (2020) curriculum, textbooks analyses, social studies teacher competence and practices followed by research in social studies.

Findings: The original data on teacher practice reveal that teachers talking while using textbooks is (still) a dominant form of practice in Norway, but there is a great variety of practices both in and out of school (excursions). The textbooks still aim at being ‘neutral’ and less critical. A new national curriculum from November 2019 emphasises interdisciplinarity subjects, and have less goals than the previous 2006, but is still very specific and rather top down. Some research is presented, the field is under researched, and an outlook is discussed.




How to Cite

Solhaug, T., Borge, J. A. O., & Grut, G. (2019). Norway:: Social science education (samfunnsfag) in Norway: A country report. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 19(1).