Trouble making?

Addressing irritation in innovativeness education


  • Kirstin Stuppacher Secondary school Bürmoos



education for innovativeness, queer pedagogies, geography education, trouble making, irritation in education


  • Innovation education is not compatible with a queer pedagogical approach.
  • Innovativeness education and queer pedagogies are theoretically compatible.
  • Being in trouble and making trouble might help to initiate an ongoing innovation process.
  • Trouble making and irritation can be useful for innovative education and fostering innovativeness as an ability.

Purpose: The aim of this contribution is to research assumptions of the education for innovativeness approach within a queer theoretical notion of pedagogy and to discuss im/possibilities of the approach in the framework of Geography and Economic education.

Approach: This article explores intersections between the approaches of queer theories and the theory of education for innovativeness by focussing on the potentials and limitations of trouble making as a starting point in innovativeness education in the secondary education sector.

Findings: If we consider trouble making and irritation within an education that fosters innovativeness, we could expand education by focusing the power structures that manifest themselves within innovation processes and education.


Author Biography

Kirstin Stuppacher, Secondary school Bürmoos

Kirstin Stuppacher is teacher for geography and economics in Austria, Salzburg. Her research interests center on educational concepts concerning gender, sexualties and identities within geography and economics. Currently she works on educational concepts of questioning normativities (PhD project).




How to Cite

Stuppacher, K. (2022). Trouble making? : Addressing irritation in innovativeness education. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 21(1).



Research Report