The curriculum question and school economics

Three educational scenarios for the future




curriculum, school economics, Michael Young, powerful knowledge, future 3, climate, values


  • What shall we teach and to what end?
  • Framing the curriculum question
  • A ‘Future 3’ curriculum for school economics underpinned by Powerful Knowledge
  • School economics addressing the problems faced by the world

Purpose: To challenge Future 1 and Future 2 curriculum approaches and offer a more holistic vision of school economics that empowers teachers and students.

Practical implications

  • Argument for curriculum space for school economics
  • Articulation of purpose of school economics for teachers and teacher educators
  • Suggestion of change of didactical approach of teaching economics

Author Biography

Jacek Wiktor Brant, UCL Institute of Education

Professor Jacek Brant is professor (teaching) at IOE, UCL’s faculty of education and society. His research interests include: secondary school curriculum and pedagogy; economics curriculum and pedagogy at Secondary school level.




How to Cite

Brant, J. W. (2022). The curriculum question and school economics: Three educational scenarios for the future . JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 21(2).