The Financial Crisis in the Light of Modern - Meta Modern Discourse: Re-Conceptualising the Modern Knowledge System


  • Mary Koutselini



The main aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate on today´s financial crisis through the Modern- Meta Modern discourse. It is argued that the debate of the financial crisis cannot be reduced solely to economic causes and that the deeper causes of the crisis are mainly philosophical, ethical, educational, and social. Most of the already proposed antidotes for today´s financial crisis (i.e. enhancement of the domestic financial system, emerging market and innovative products, better control of the financing system) ignore the deeper moral and educational crisis of modernity that places the responsibility for the financial crisis on citizens and their lack of savings. Meta-modernity opposes viewing citizens as consumers, as depersonalised, technically controlled objects of the financial and political system. It seeks more ethical standards in business, education, and politics and it encourages developing new perspectives for evaluating the financial practices. Meta-modern discourse supports the view that the financial crisis is a direct result of prioritising the interests of the power holders – banks and financial enterprises – at the expense of citizens’ well-being and value-based questions.




How to Cite

Koutselini, M. . (2010). The Financial Crisis in the Light of Modern - Meta Modern Discourse: Re-Conceptualising the Modern Knowledge System. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 9(2).