From playground extremism to neo-Nazi ideology: Finnish educators' perceptions of violent radicalisation and extremism in educational institutions


  • Katja Vallinkoski Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Siltavuorenpenger 1A, Helsinki, 00014, Finland
  • Saija Benjamin University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences



violent radicalisation, extremism, educators, perceptions, intuitive responses


Purpose: The role of formal education is currently viewed as central in preventing violent radicalisation and extremism (VRE), however educators' understanding, or competences have not been developed accordingly. Therefore, this study critically investigates Finnish educators' perceptions of presumed manifestations of VRE among their students.

Findings: Finnish educators confront ideologically and morally challenging situations, some of which include extremist features. They do, however, have difficulties in distinguishing VRE from other types of motives for hostile or violent rhetoric or behaviour, especially if students from societal minority groups are involved.

Practical implications: False labeling may have negative consequences on students. Educators' need VRE-related in-service trainings that focus on increasing educators' knowledge and reflection on their VRE-related preconceptions and intuitive responses to these.

Research limitations: We acknowledge the possible skewedness of the survey data as responding may have felt more appealing to those educators who have encountered VRE or who are interested or worried about VRE.

Author Biographies

Katja Vallinkoski, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Siltavuorenpenger 1A, Helsinki, 00014, Finland

Katja Vallinkoski, Master of Education, is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. In her PhD dissertation, she studies violent radicalisation and extremism in Finnish formal educational context.

Saija Benjamin, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Saija Benjamin is a post-doctoral researcher in the ‘Growing up radical? The role of educational institutions in guiding young people’s worldview construction’ research project 2018-2022 (funded by the Academy of Finland Grant 315860) at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland.




How to Cite

Vallinkoski, K., & Benjamin, S. (2023). From playground extremism to neo-Nazi ideology: Finnish educators’ perceptions of violent radicalisation and extremism in educational institutions. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 22(1).



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