Creating Citizenship Communities


  • Ian Davies
  • Gillian Hampden Thompson
  • Maria Tsouroufli
  • Vanita Sundaram
  • Pippa Lord
  • Jennifer Jeffes
  • George Bramley



The project ‘Creating Citizenship Communities’ is funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and is being conducted by a partnership team from the Department of Education, University of York and the National Foundation for Educational Research. This article describes the project design and draws attention to issues emerging from data analysis. An indication is given of the actions to be taken with professionals and young people in light of the project findings. An argument is made for the need to co-ordinate work in schools by developing stronger liaison between citizenship education teachers and those responsible for whole school initiatives to promote community engagement; and helping teachers to build on young people’s existing knowledge and expertise in community matters to help them understand and act more effectively in society

Author Biographies

Ian Davies

Ian Davies is Professor of Education at the University of York

Gillian Hampden Thompson

Dr. Gillian Hampden Thompson is director of research in the department of education, University of York

Maria Tsouroufli

Dr. Maria Tsouroufli is lecturer in medical education  at the University of Dundee.



Vanita Sundaram

Dr. Sundaram is a lecturer in education at the University of York.

Pippa Lord

Pippa Lord is a Senior Research Officer at the National Foundation for Educational Research

Jennifer Jeffes

Jennifer Jeffes is a research officer at the National Foundation for Educational Research.

George Bramley

George Bramley is a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham




How to Cite

Davies, I., Hampden Thompson, G., Tsouroufli, M., Sundaram, V., Lord, P., Jeffes, J., & Bramley, G. (2012). Creating Citizenship Communities. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 11(3).