Students’ Pathways Across Local, National and Supra-National Borders: Representations of a Globalized World in a Francophone Minority School in Ontario, Canada


  • Diane Farmer University of Toronto
  • Jeanette Cepin University of Toronto
  • Gabrielle Breton-Carbonneau University of Toronto



Informed by anthropology of childhood and youth, this paper examines how elementary students make sense of their diverse trajectories in an expanding culture of spatial, virtual and linguistic mobility (Farmer, 2012). Drawing on data collected in one francophone minority school in Ontario, Canada, we discuss students’ representations of a “globalized world” as they co-construct with peers and teachers the multiple meanings associated with mobility, citizenship and nationhood.

Author Biographies

Diane Farmer, University of Toronto

Diane Farmer is associate professor in Social Justice Education at OISE, University of Toronto

Jeanette Cepin, University of Toronto

Jeanette Cepin is a PhD student in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education at OISE, University of Toronto.

Gabrielle Breton-Carbonneau, University of Toronto

Gabrielle Breton-Carbonneau is a PhD student in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education at OISE, University of Toronto.




How to Cite

Farmer, D., Cepin, J., & Breton-Carbonneau, G. (2015). Students’ Pathways Across Local, National and Supra-National Borders: Representations of a Globalized World in a Francophone Minority School in Ontario, Canada. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 14(3), 75–83.