The Formation of Citizenship Through Community Theatre. A Study in Aguascalientes, Mexico


  • Christiana Moschou
  • Roberto Rodriguez Anaya Veracruz State University



Purpose: The aim of the research was to examine if adolescents can develop abilities of democratic interaction through Community Theatre.

Design/methodology: Firstly, two instruments were applied, a questionnaire covering socio-moral problems, of the students and a Questionnaire, covering the Educational Ideologies of the professors. Then, a theatrical intervention was realized at middle-school students in Aguascalientes City, based on the objectives of the formation of Citizenship as stated at the National Curriculum.

Findings: Students themselves stated a change in their attitude during the intervention, which was also observed and registered at the field diary and at the written evaluations. For this reason, we claim that Community theater could be used as a transdisciplinary method for teaching democratic skills, as it creates a public sphere where the students can develop democratic behavior.

Research limitations: Further studies on the subject are required, especially concerning the time and the sample as the research had a two-month duration and was conducted at a limited population.

Practical implications: The contribution of this project was the introduction of Community Theatre at the service of the Citizenship Education, promoting the artistic education as a means of the formal education in the search for personal and social democratic development and could be considered in an educational reform.

Author Biography

Roberto Rodriguez Anaya, Veracruz State University

Educational Research Institute

Research Academic Professor

National Research System 


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How to Cite

Moschou, C., & Anaya, R. R. (2016). The Formation of Citizenship Through Community Theatre. A Study in Aguascalientes, Mexico. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 15(4), 22–31.



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