Political Science and the Good Citizen: The Genealogy of Traditionalist Paradigm of Citizenship Education in the American School Curriculum


  • Iftikhar Ahmad Long Island University Post Campus




Purpose: The purpose of this article is to chronicle paradigm shifts in American political science during the twentieth century and their influence on political scientists’ perspectives on pre-collegiate citizenship education curriculum.   

Methodology: The research questions explored in this article are concerned with the history of political scientists’ ideas about citizenship education. Therefore, historical method is used which involves an examination of evidence--primary sources. Those sources are the APSA’s ten reports and statements.        

Findings: In different decades of the twentieth century, the APSA committees and one taskforce prepared ten (10) reports and statements on pre-collegiate citizenship education which reflected three different paradigms in political science—Traditionalism, Behavioralism, and Post-behavioralism.

Author Biography

Iftikhar Ahmad, Long Island University Post Campus

Associate Professor

Curriculum and Instruction


Additional Files



How to Cite

Ahmad, I. (2018). Political Science and the Good Citizen: The Genealogy of Traditionalist Paradigm of Citizenship Education in the American School Curriculum. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 16(4), 38–48. https://doi.org/10.4119/jsse-853